Learning Outcome One: Showcase Project- Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).
This learning outcome is focused on revising in ways that strengthen the ideas and structure of a project between first and final drafts, and in final editing/proofreading at the end of a project.
The transgender community continues to face a lot of confusion and hate. If people learned more about their issues and listen to their stories, they can feel more empathetic towards them and people different from themself. It’s difficult to change people’s minds as people like to stick with what they have known their whole life and not stray too far from it. Being able to tell engaging stories about issues to someone who does not have first-hand experience can help them, open their mind to learning about their issues and the struggles they have gone through. As someone who is transgender, I have experienced both acceptance and ignorance of my identity and I believe that the acceptance of people like me can be more widespread.